Preparing for an exam is like making a dish. If the ingredients are right you have made it 75% right. The rest 25% is about how you use them rightly. For the 7th class exams, the most important and best ingredient a student need is the NCERT Textbooks.
The 7th class is a period where the students are in a bridge between the primary and higher secondary sections. They study a lot more of basics which need to be clear in their mind for their higher studies. And the NCERT textbooks help the students in a very bright way. Wondering how? Take a look at your textbook carefully.
- CBSE says, Go Study from NCERT
Yes, that’s right! The Central Board of Secondary Education has prescribed NCERT Textbooks for study. The CBSE is an educational board of the country and aims at a robust, vibrant, and holistic level of education for its students. As per its syllabus, the board itself recognizes the NCERT Textbooks as the best source for materials. The textbooks have the perfect materials for every topic as per the syllabus. Thus students need not worry about referring to another book for their 7th class exams. It is because of this suggestion of using the NCERT that most of the teachers refer to NCERT Textbooks while teaching. So why go for anything else when the Board has chosen the best for its students?
- Choose the topic, NCERT has everything covered
It may seem a bit exaggerated but it is true. As mentioned above the textbook has covered every single topic for the 7th class students. Every topic in the textbook is very well explained with the help of pictures, examples, etc. Choose a topic and you can get the best comprehensive note on it with every important topic covered. This will make the students understand more. The seventh class students are those who might have a good practice at reading and studying by themselves. The perfectly formatted textbook helps the students in the process.
Every topic in the textbook is written with a very fundamental knowledge towards it. Almost all the topics are covered, but in a manner that they are all easy to understand. For a seventh class student, everything they need to know is in their hands itself- the NCERT textbooks.
Also, the textbooks cover many topics that can be helpful for competitive exams for the students. The textbook will serve the purpose of extra reading too. Do you still doubt it? Ok, ask the IAS aspirants which is their go-to textbook source.
- Finished every topic? Assess yourself with the Practice Questions.
The NCERT Textbooks have several questions to assess what the students have studied. Read a topic or study a chapter, and then they can check themselves. The plus point is that every chapter has a separate set of very brilliant practice questions. Every topic also has questions marked, Ask Yourself which will help the students while reading.
For example, take the Class 7 Maths NCERT Textbook. There you will see exercises for every single topic in each chapter. These extra exercises help the students practice what they have learned.
- Revise! Revise! Revise!
The students have covered all the topics and read every part of the textbook. The exams are near and they have less time to prepare again. Don’t worry, every chapter in the NCERT Textbooks have important points that can help in the revision. These points too are easy to understand ones thus the seventh class students can grasp those easily. It will save time and help revise nicely. A quick practice with the questions given can for sure make them the highest percentage winner in exams.
It is also recommended to make your questions from the NCERT text by reading the text properly two to three times. While reading note the important points in the textbook itself and try making your questions for each of those points. This will help during the revision.
- Struggling with the language in other sources? NCERT have you covered.
The seventh class students are the ones who are still learning. Some may be perfect in English and some maybe still learning. Therefore the sources available for them usually become a challenge to them. Because most of the books are very high in vocabulary, that they forget to make the reader understand. But the NCERT textbooks don’t have this problem. Even though being the most sought textbook the language of every NCERT textbook has always been easy to read and understand. Every topic is written in the easiest possible manner which makes them feel like conversations. Also, it helps in enriching the students’ vocabulary. The textbooks have a wide variety usage of new words in most of the chapters. Guessing how they will understand the new words? Don’t worry. The textbook has a solution for that too. It contains a glossary of difficult terms and has a new word box that will acquaint the students with the new words given on the page.
The textbooks have been made in an interactive way through which the children will find it more interesting to learn the content. With a set of characters introduced the topics are very well explained like a conversation. This will make the students read the textbook more and they will, in turn, learn more.
It is sure that the concept of ‘Why NCERT?’ has become more clear to you. It will not only help the students with the language, vocabulary, and content for their exams but with characters and situations introduced will make the students develop an overall good character for themselves. The seventh class is also the stage where most students will be turning into a teenager, thus the values needed for a teenager too is imparted through the textbooks.
So it is sure that all the students will choose NCERT for their studies. Now, what are you waiting for? Grab on the textbooks and start the journey towards your success.
All the very best!

I am Arjun Kumar. I am the owner and administrator of Finance Gradeup. I have completed my education in Arts & Technology. Arjun Kumar usually has interests in playing games, reading and writing. He was a brilliant student during his college days. He also works for many private companies, but the main interest of Arjun Kumar is digital marketing. He thinks that reading is a must before providing any quality information to his readers. You can find Arjun Kumar on much social media handles online, or you can learn more about him in about us page.