Using cards has its own benefits. Be it a credit card or a debit card, if you use it regularly for all your transactions, you enjoy a lot of benefits that you otherwise miss out. Other than this, there is also a lot of other things that you enjoy. Other than easier accessibility and convenience, you also enjoy things like Reward points.
Today we will see how to redeem hdfc credit card reward points when they get accumulated in your card. We will also see how they get accumulated the needed frequency and other thing such as volume of transactions that you need to do. So, if you are an avid shopper, you will get a lot of benefits from this post.
Firstly, you should know that these points or credits are actually known as Reward points and they are collected in the card holder’s name in a specific volume and frequency.
The Fees and Charges:
If you are into finance, you know that when ever you use a debit card or a credit card, for any transaction in general, the company that issues the card receives an amount which is known by the name of interchange fee. This interchange fee is first received by the merchant outlet and it hovers in between 1% to 2.5%. Sometimes, they can also negotiate for a lower fee if they can provide larger volumes.
What are Reward points used for?
These points also called as reward points of a credit card are there to encourage and increase the usage of these credit cards or even debit cards for that matter. The basic requirement for you is to collect a certain number of points after which you can redeem them for a certain specific reward. In some cases, you are also offered certain benefits instead of rewards. The benefits generally take the form of different discount offers and sometimes cash back offers as well.
Benefits of Reward points
The first thing before getting reward point is to know how to redeem them first. To redeem card points, you need to accumulate specific reward points first. The procedure to redeem can be done online and is a very simple and fast procedure.
Redeeming your card points from hdfc online will not only increase convenience for customers to redeem their points but it will also save the bank from the hassle of responding to all the customers at their customer care support centre. What makes it all the more interesting is that you can also get home delivery for a lot of products that can be purchased online by using these reward points.
If you are a frequent flyer, you also take a lot of benefits from these reward points. These points can be converted into air miles which can be used later on to buy air tickets. Great, for flyers, isn’t it?
Other than this there are some loyalty programmes as well that give an option of points-plus-pay in which points can be used to pay the balance to get anything that you desire. Also, some programmes also waive off your annual fee if you exchange it for a specific number of reward points. Also, read HDFC Bank Net Banking: How to Log in and register for Online Banking?
The benefits are not ending yet. You can also accumulate reward points on different credit cards and debit cards. However, the only requirement is that these cards should be of the same bank. Thus, you can pool all your points together and then redeem them as and when you like.
How to redeem HDFC Credit Card Reward Points?
Well just follow the steps side by side and you would be able to redeem your points with HDFC Bank, just check the following –
Step 1: First go to the HDFC Bank website and log into your Net Banking Account or portal.
Step 2: After you have logged-in, you will see an option name as Card. You need to click on the option ‘Cards’.
Step 3: After you performed the above task, you need to navigate to the Enquire tab in the debit or credit card section.
Step 4: Now you will be taken to another page. Once that is done, you will find an option that mentions ‘Cashback Enquiry and Redemption’. Press on the following.
Otherwise, you can select the Points Range and Item Category of your choice. Now just select the items you would like to purchase and add them to your Shopping Cart. After you completed the items you would like to purchase, view your cart from the shopping cart page and update it if you want to.
Step 5: You will be asked to read the Terms and Conditions. Read them out and confirm them. After that you will be asked to enter your details and the delivery address where you want the delivery.
Step 6: Just press the Redeeem button to finish with the process. You will receive a redemption order number once done, note it for safety purposes
In 99% of the cases you would have got them. But sometimes things don’t work out our way. If that is the case with you, do not proceed with the redemption. Just stop the process and call the customer care team of HDFC to fix the same.
Step 5: If you followed the above steps correctly till now, you will be asked to select the account number of the HDFC bank for which you want to redeem HDFC credit card reward points and that’s it. Just select the one you have the points in and you will be able to redeem your hard earned reward points.
The minimum HDFC Reward Points, you need to collect to redeem the same is at least 500 points. So, this was the guide about how to redeem HDFC credit card reward points to your bank. In case you have got any questions, please drop a comment below.
I am Arjun Kumar. I am the owner and administrator of Finance Gradeup. I have completed my education in Arts & Technology. Arjun Kumar usually has interests in playing games, reading and writing. He was a brilliant student during his college days. He also works for many private companies, but the main interest of Arjun Kumar is digital marketing. He thinks that reading is a must before providing any quality information to his readers. You can find Arjun Kumar on much social media handles online, or you can learn more about him in about us page.