Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors

As a financial advisor, there’s nothing worse than opening your weekly planner on Monday morning and seeing an empty page. No new clients mean no new business, which means the possibility of a bad month financially. Add COVID-19 into the mix, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

So how do you adjust your marketing strategies to accommodate the new normal? With limited face-to-face interactions, online or digital marketing is the answer. Going online might come with hardships, especially for those advisors who have yet to utilize technology within their practice. They need to embrace technology and build their practices with an online presence.

Let us look at ways how we can improve marketing for financial advisors.



Optimize your website

You need a website for clients to search and find you online. Personalize your website so that potential clients can find all the information they need about you, such as contact details, information about your financial practice, and what you specialize in. There should also be a place for them to leave their contact details so you can reach out to them. A link to all your social media accounts should also be available. This includes an up-to-date blog section where you can write about your services and anything that would interest target clients.

Get social media savvy

If you are not already utilizing social media, you should! LinkedIn is one of the best places to network with current and prospective clients. You can post relevant information regarding financial services or author content to share. Make sure to utilize all social networks, including Twitter and Facebook. A good rule of thumb is to post or share something at least once a day. Stay relevant as you want to be the first person someone thinks of when they need financial advice.

Start a newsletter

You already have a list of your existing clients’ email addresses, so why not send them the latest news of what is happening in the financial markets or how you coped with being at home during the lockdown? Your clients want someone who they can relate. This is also a great way to connect with others who may not be clients but whose email addresses you have.

Make use of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Using a CRM is one of the most important elements of marketing for financial advisors. It is an online cloud to store all your clients’ personal information and financial portfolios. Although it is less about profile management and more about the entire customer’s journey. From communication to gaining new clients and growing your business with your existing clients, you will have all your client’s data in one place. Junxure, an offering from AdvisorEngine, is an excellent example of a CRM for financial advisors that does everything. From workflow management to document storage to social media integration, Junxure does it all—it’s the CRM that thinks like an advisor.

Don’t give up

You will only see an increase in your leads and new business if you remain consistent and resilient. Most advisors give up too soon, but you want to stay ahead of the rest. Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself and your business. A marketing strategy should become part of your budget. You will see results over time and realize that investing in yourself and your company was the right thing to do.

With a marketing strategy in place and constant action, you will see increased interest from new and even existing clients. Don’t be afraid of this digital space, don’t be afraid of technology – make your online presence updated and relevant, and watch your business grow!